- September 18, 2023
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Every day, People turn to search engines like Google, Yahoo, or Bing to look for their desired service or product. Given the increasing competition in each selector of the industry and the market, it is no surprise that everyone wants to rank top on search engine websites.
And, that can only be achieved by making optimum utilization of the Search engine optimization features in your website. Ensure that you follow the necessary guidelines of the SEO to rank your website on the top numbers. The search engine crawlers check the website thoroughly, and they should be able to be through your content and find it relevant enough to showcase it to the user or the searcher.
5 Website Ranking Tips
Here are some of the tips for you to consider for ranking on the search engine.
Make Linking Building Your Priority
Initially, your website domain authority remains zero; thus, if you want to rank better, you need to include more outbound links and have interlinking. Have links from reputable and trustworthy sites to showcase yourself on the search engine result page’s first page.
Write Skyscraper And SEO Friendly Content
The website’s content should be easy to read and of high quality for both the readers and the Google bots. Use the proper keywords, choose relevant topics, use enough keywords related to the searcher’s intent, and remember to include the correct meta description.
Build A Responsive Website
A responsive website goes a long way. As people are less active on PC or laptop, you must make your website optimized for all kinds of devices. You cannot lose your customers or visitors for the simple reason of not having a responsive website. Optimize the necessary elements in the page, make it easier for the user to navigate.
Maximize CTR In The Search Results
You need to boost your CLick through the rate of the website. This will help you in improving the rank of the website on the search engine results page. Increasing the Click-Through rate helps in increasing the SEO ranking of the page. This is because people click more on the topmost results that are relevant to their search.
Use SEO Optimised Images And Videos
Visuals are necessary for the users to understand your pages. However, you cannot upload heavy files on them and jeopardize the page’s performance. Therefore, you need to optimize each visual – video and images. This will help in improving the feel and the user experience, furthering increasing the search engine ranking.